Friday, March 30, 2012

Social Media Woes- a continuation from Keeping It Simple (OLD WEST STYLE)

This exerpt taken from Toni Bowers at Tech Republic...hope this is OK Toni

Takeaway: In this Friday rant, Toni Bowers talks about why she is sick and tired of social media.

So, OK, as a blogger whose emphasis is on career management, I have to tell people how important networking is for their careers. And a big part of networking in the times we’re living in is done online through social media.
And I was on board with LinkedIn (for making business connections), Facebook (for social purposes), and Twitter (for branding purposes). Then along comes Google Plus (which is being touted as almost a requirement for people in my business). You show me the person who has time to maintain all these entities and I’ll show you a person who has been cloned — more than once.
Who can keep track of all the groups and contacts and friends and lists and status updates andprofiles and still be able to do anything else in life? (And, again, thank you Google Plus for adding that extra layer of complexity with circles.) I mean, it would help to have some free time to work and actually live a life so you’d have something to put in the update box, wouldn’t it?
As a new author I am told it is imperative that I get on social media sites and develop a large following by blogging and just being a real sweetie-pie to the world...OK those are my words, but I am a very private person and I like my privacy. I also like to pick the friends I associate with. There are people on Facebook, TWITTER, YOUTUBE, MYSPACE etc. ad nauseum who have friended hundreds and thousands...WHAT KIND OF FRIENDSHIP IS THAT????
I mean honestly, can you actually get involved with someone on a meaningful personal level? Can you be there for them when they are in crisis and with that many friends, will you really give a rat's ass as to what they are going through? Pardon my french...but NO! No way in you know where will you have the time or inclination to be there for them. What has happened in this world to make people believe this kind of popularity is good for anyone? I can count the real friends I have on one hand! I guess that makes me a social RETARD! OH WELL, I LIKE IT THAT WAY! I can honestly count on them being there when trouble comes and if you are in the human experience...IT WILL! See ya next blog

1 comment:

  1. In all the years we've known each other, I've never known you to shy away from speaking plainly and directly. Any other would not be genuine. You can always count on me to be your most fervent cheerleader in your now global audience. I say, "Preach it, Ted!"



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