Monday, October 19, 2020

How Do You Want This Country To Be...

 Thomas Jefferson warned repeatedly about the emergence of an out—of-control judiciary that would destroy the Constitution and, along with it, America's fundamental freedoms. It appears he was right.

Justices and judges are constitutionally charged to interpret the law, not make law. But again, and again, they have overstepped their authority and brought us atrocities such as abortion on demand, same-sex marriage, and the so-called "separation of church and state," which doesn't appear in the Constitution.

I can only imagine what our founders would think of the state of our judicial branch today. Our judges face ever increasing pressure to make law rather than interpret law. Too often they have succumbed to that pressure, functioning as super-legislators rather than neutral arbiters. Given recent rulings, we know that judicial overreach has almost ruined this great nation.

In the last few years, we've seen an increasing number of judges who understand their constitutional obligations. The current administration, led by President Donald Trump, has appointed nearly 200 Article III judges to the bench, including two justices on the U.S. Supreme Court. This is good news! However, the battle for the soul of the judiciary is far from over.

Please don't vote for politicians who will expand, rather than limit, the power of the judiciary.

The democrats have said they want to open all borders and let everyone in and we will pay their medical...not for the US citizen who works and pays taxes but instead for illegals! They, not you, will be given a free education! The dems call them undocumented and they are allowed to drive and hold office! They want to defund police, ICE, and every law-enforcement branch of government. Look at all of those they have let our of prison! Joe Biden recently said 'police need to learn to de-escalate a situation and if required to shoot, shoot them in the leg! That fool has never been in a gunfight with a bad guy with ill intention!

Remember the above: Thomas Jefferson warned us against such fools and activist judges!

Until next blog,


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