Sunday, February 18, 2018

Silence...the Key To Hearing God Speak To Our Spirit

I have heard so many people these days say "God never speaks to me, how do you dare believe He speaks to you?"

If you have never sat at a table in restaurant with someone talking on their cell phone, or sat with someone over breakfast, lunch or dinner that has to have the phone on so they can get the latest text, or sat at the table with someone you care very much about but they care more about their phone, then your experience is rare indeed!

I don't know about you but I yearn to hear so many things that God's Spirit could tell me. Things I might need to know about someone I need to pray for, or someone near that just needs encouragement. But I have a tendency to block out silence too. Vice President Mike Pence was recently berated by the "so-called ladies" on The View because he said God speaks to him. The View commenter said,  "he's an extremist a nut, I'm a Christian and I love Jesus but He doesn't tell me what to do!" What church does she go to?????? When we accepted Jesus Christ as our Savior we accepted access to God's Spirit by our spirit. Yes, they can communicate and urge us to say or do something God deems important. 

“And after the earthquake a fire; but the Lord was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice.”
I Kings 19:12

Sitting in the subway everyone is  connected to wifi these days...On subways and even some buses row after row of people, with a couple exceptions, everyone was staring at their devices and or hooked up with earphones.

Sitting in a coffee shop I was stunned to watch a couple, sitting in front of each other, and instead of talking to each other, they were staring at their devices . . . five minutes . . . ten minutes . . . twenty minutes . . . when I left they were still staring at their devices - not at each other!


The greatest enemy to hearing the voice of God is the constant, connected lives we live.

In one ear I am watching live news on my android, in the other ear I am making a telephone call while pecking away at the keyboard working on my very compact Nextbook.

It is insane!

Why is it so terrible you may ask... everybody does it? Do you want to hear God or not?

The voice of God as scripture tells us is not in the “fire” or the “earthquake” but in the “still, small, voice”.

For those of us seeking after God’s will for us, the key is to be able to hear the voice of God. We want to obey as believers but how do we know what to obey if we aren't listening. We want to do His will for our lives.

The voice of God, leading us, though, is “still” and “small”! Did you see what I just wrote?  How can we hear God? It's simple:

By taking out the earpieces, stopping the Bluetooth and wifi, folding up the keyboard and quietly listing for the sweet, quiet, gentle voice of our beloved Jesus.

Like a lover begging for you to stop looking at your device and look at them, our sweet Savior says, “please put it all away, just look at me and in the quietness of that moment I will speak and you will know your next step.”

The key to hearing the voice of God?
Silence . . .

See you next blog,

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