Tuesday, December 21, 2021

What The Bible Says About Depression and Anxiety

 I've been away for awhile fighting my own fight. It wasn't anything new to me but I chose to ignore the need to deal with some private things. Some of those where accusations that simply weren't true, others were things I did to myself to cause inner conflict, still others were things the enemy of my soul chose to place in my way so that I felt powerless to help anyone else. 

I meet a lot of young people who are disenchanted with life, where they live, how they live but instead of dealing with it they strike out in anger and think somehow that will make them feel better. I was young too, once and felt the same way. I even signed up to go to war thinking that would deal with the feelings inside. While I am proud of my service to a very ungrateful country I saw things I wish I hadn't, but that is war. It is horrible to behold and yet it makes you think. 

I'm not anti-war activist, sometimes fighting is the only way to deal with great arrogance by other nations and people when turning the other cheek doesn't work or fit the situation. However, there are things that crop up in the human mind that aggravate the human soul. You hate yourself or your situation to point of wanting to die. I found a site some time back that I think can offer help. Of course, as an no longer practicing counselor. I highly recommend biblical counsel not just counsel! 

The Bible is a great source of inspiration if you let it in, but be prepared in today's world to get a lot of hate and antipathy if you talk about how you found help for the problems that plague you. So the Bible has another suggestion...use wisdom in talking about it.

See you in another blog,


 What the Bible has to say about Depression and Anxiety!


Depend Fully On Jesus
