Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Actions...NOT WORDS, Earn Trust!

In a relationship, whether with a child, your spouse, your love relationship, etc., actions are everything. You can say all the "I love yous" till Jesus comes back, but those are only words that need action to back them up. If you promise something KEEP YOUR PROMISES no matter what. ACTIONS EARN TRUST-NOT WORDS! I can't stress this enough. If you can't demonstrate wisely by your actions what you proclaim to feel then you probably don't really know the truth about what you want or believe. 

Be careful how you act because some actions can be misinterpreted. I'm not saying we need to walk on eggshells but how we act and what we say matters to those we do things to or say things to. Do not give place to temptation the pain you will suffer will be worse than you imagine...TRUTH! (Please hear me on this-it is vital to your spiritual life)

By Dr. James Dobson March 21, 2018

The surest way to build trust in a marriage or a relationship is through your actions. Build a record of choices and deeds that prove to your partner you can be trusted at all times in any situation.

Take flirting, for example. It may be harmless to show a bit of extra friendliness to a member of the opposite sex. But ask yourself, would my spouse feel comfortable if he or she witnessed this exchange? Would my actions earn trust, or would they raise doubt about my motives?

I urge you to be wary of pride in your own infallibility. The minute you begin thinking that an affair "would never happen to me" is when you become most vulnerable. We are sexual creatures with powerful urges. We are also fallen beings with strong desires to do wrong. That is what temptation is all about. Do not give it a place in your life. My father once wrote, "Strong desire is like a powerful river. As long as it stays within the banks of God's will, all will be proper and clean. But when it overflows those boundaries, devastation awaits downstream."

 If you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don't fall! (1 Cor. 10:12) 

Actions can affect trust in easy-to-overlook ways. When you promise to clean out the garage next weekend, make sure you do it. When you agree to limit your spending to a certain amount, follow through. Keeping your word in small matters builds trust in a big way.

See you next blog,

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