Saturday, March 12, 2022

The argument against God’s existence using evil and God’s purpose for evil

 I had a discussion with an atheist in a chat room on the Internet where he proposed an argument against God’s existence. He said that evil would be against God’s will and by God using evil in his purpose, therefore evil does not exist. Of course, his argument does not negate God’s existence. In addition, his argument is not sound.  We discussed it and I repeatedly tried to show him where the problems were in the argument. But, he was unwilling to see it.

So, I asked him to send me his argument and that I would review it and write a response to it on CARM.  He sent it to me.

I reproduced his argument exactly from what he sent me – as I have done with other arguments against God’s existence. Then, I added my comments after each point. Needless to say, his argument did not work.

The argument against God’s existence using evil and God’s purpose for evil.

  1. Evil is defined as a contradiction to god’s nature/sin and ought not be done
  2. Then it follows that evil is that of which OUGHT not be done
  3. God allows all things to occur
  4. These things that occur are purposeful (it’s according to God’s plan)
  5. Given that these things occur purposefully, as they are in accord with God’s plan, these things OUGHT to occur
  6. C: There is no evil (P4 precludes evil which is defined in P2)



  1. Evil is defined as a contradiction to god’s nature/sin and ought not be done
    1. This “ought” deals with moral rightness as it relates to God who is the standard of moral perfection.
  2. Then it follows that evil is that of which OUGHT not be done
    1. This is a restatement of premise 1.
    2. The “ought” deals with moral rightness as it relates to God who is the standard of moral perfection.
  3. God allows all things to occur
    1. That is correct. God allows all things to occur, both good and evil.
  4. These things that occur are purposeful (it’s according to God’s plan)
    1. God allows evil to occur according to His plan (Eph. 1:11).
    2. God has directly brought some things into existence (i.e., creation) and allowed others to exist (i.e. evil) by the sinful actions of free-will creatures.
    3. But God’s allowing evil does not mean it is not evil.
  5. Given that these things occur purposefully, as they are in accord with God’s plan, these things OUGHT to occur
    1. The purpose must be according to God’s will.
    2. This ought here is a different ought than is found in premises 1 and 2.
    3. Premises 1 and 2 are where there is the “ought of moral contrast” that deals with evil in contrast to God’s nature.
    4. Premise 5 deals with the “ought of ultimate purpose.” This deals with God’s purpose to allow evil in His larger plan.
  6. C: There is no evil (P4 precludes evil which is defined in P2)
    1. This does not follow. If God purposely allows evil to occur, then it is still evil. After all, He is allowing evil means that evil is allowed.  It is still evil.
    2. Furthermore, the existence of evil is not altered ontologically by God allowing it to exist as part of His ultimate purpose.
    3. Therefore, to say that God allows evil to occur means that there is no evil is to say that God allows evil to occur while it also not being evil. This makes no sense.
    4. The argument does not work.
by Matt Slick at CARM

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